Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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964 lines
/* constants.h: global constants used by Angband
Copyright (c) 1989 James E. Wilson, Robert A. Koeneke
This software may be copied and distributed for educational, research, and
not for profit purposes provided that this copyright and statement are
included in all such copies. */
/* Note to the Wizard:
* Tweaking these constants can *GREATLY* change the game.
* Two years of constant tuning have generated these
* values. Minor adjustments are encouraged, but you must
* be very careful not to unbalance the game. Moria was
* meant to be challenging, not a give away. Many
* adjustments can cause the game to act strangely, or even
* cause errors.
/* Addendum:
* I have greatly expanded the number of defined constants. However, if
* you change anything below, without understanding EXACTLY how the game
* uses the number, the program may stop working correctly. Modify the
* constants at your own risk.
/* Current version number of Angband: 2.6.1
* Note that 5.2 must never be used, as it was used in Angband 2.4-2.5.
#define PATCH_LEVEL 1
/* Basics */
#ifndef FUZZY
#define FUZZY 2
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#define MAX_UCHAR 255
#define MAX_SHORT 32767 /* maximum short/long signed ints */
#ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN /* may not be defined -b. eck */
/* Changing values below this line may be hazardous to your health! */
/* message line location */
#define MSG_LINE 0
/* number of messages to save in a buffer */
#define MAX_SAVE_MSG 22 /* How many messages to save -CJS- */
/* How many hiscores to be saved */
/* Dungeon size parameters */
#define MAX_HEIGHT 66 /* Multiple of 11; >= 22 */
#define MAX_WIDTH 198 /* Multiple of 33; >= 66 */
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 22
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 66
/* Dungeon generation values
* Note: The entire design of dungeon can be changed by only
* slight adjustments here.
#define DUN_TUN_RND 9 /* was 9 1/Chance of Random direction */
#define DUN_TUN_CHG 70 /* was 70 Chance of changing direction (99 max) */
#define DUN_TUN_CON 15 /* was 15 Chance of extra tunneling */
#define DUN_ROO_MEA 45 /* was 32 Mean of # of rooms, standard dev2 */
#define DUN_TUN_PEN 25 /* was 25 % chance of room doors */
#define DUN_TUN_JCT 8 /* was 15 % chance of doors at tunnel junctions */
#define DUN_STR_DEN 5 /* was 5 Density of streamers */
#define DUN_STR_RNG 2 /* was 2 Width of streamers */
#define DUN_STR_MAG 3 /* was 3 Number of magma streamers */
#define DUN_STR_MC 90 /* was 90 1/x chance of treasure per magma */
#define DUN_STR_QUA 2 /* was 2 Number of quartz streamers */
#define DUN_STR_QC 40 /* was 40 1/x chance of treasure per quartz */
#define DUN_UNUSUAL 200 /* was 300 Level/x chance of unusual room */
/* Special level constants - DGK */
#define DUN_DEST 15 /* 1/x chance of having a destroyed level */
#define SPEC_DEST 2
/* Store constants */
#define MAX_OWNERS 24 /* Number of owners to choose from */
#define MAX_STORES 8 /* Number of different stores */
#define STORE_INVEN_MAX 24 /* Max number of discrete objs in inven */
#define STORE_CHOICES 30 /* NUMBER of items to choose stock from */
#define STORE_MAX_INVEN 18 /* Max diff objs in stock for auto buy */
#define STORE_MIN_INVEN 10 /* Min diff objs in stock for auto sell */
#define STORE_TURN_AROUND 9 /* Amount of buying and selling normally */
#define COST_ADJ 100 /* Adjust prices for buying and selling */
#define MAX_QUESTS 4 /* only 1 defined anyway --CFT */
#define SAURON_QUEST 0
#define Q_PLANE -1
/* Treasure constants */
#define INVEN_ARRAY_SIZE 34 /* Size of inventory array(Do not change) */
#define MAX_OBJ_LEVEL 255 /* Maximum level of magic in dungeon */
#define OBJ_GREAT 11 /* 1/n Chance of item being a Great Item */
/* Number of dungeon objects */
#define MAX_DUNGEON_OBJ 423
/* Note that the following constants are all related, if you change one,
* you must also change all succeeding ones. Also, player_init[] and
* store_choice[] may also have to be changed.
/*Special start for rings amulets etc... */
/* Number of objects for universe*/
/* was 7*64, see object_offset() in desc.c, could be MAX_OBJECTS o_o() rewritten
* now 8*64 beacuse of Rods
#define OBJECT_IDENT_SIZE 1024
#define MAX_GOLD 18 /* Number of different types of gold */
/* with MAX_TALLOC 150, it is possible to get compacting objects during
* level generation, although it is extremely rare
#define MAX_TALLOC 400 /* Max objects per level */
#define MIN_TRIX 1 /* Minimum t_list index used */
#define TREAS_ROOM_ALLOC 9 /* Amount of objects for rooms */
#define TREAS_ANY_ALLOC 3 /* Amount of objects for corridors */
#define TREAS_GOLD_ALLOC 3 /* Amount of gold (and gems) */
/* Magic Treasure Generation constants
* Note: Number of special objects, and degree of enchantments
* can be adjusted here.
#define OBJ_STD_ADJ 125 /* Adjust STD per level * 100 */
#define OBJ_STD_MIN 7 /* Minimum STD */
#define OBJ_TOWN_LEVEL 5 /* Town object generation level */
#define OBJ_BASE_MAGIC 15 /* Base amount of magic */
#define OBJ_BASE_MAX 70 /* Max amount of magic */
#define OBJ_DIV_SPECIAL 4 /* magic_chance/# special magic */
#define OBJ_DIV_CURSED 13 /* 10*magic_chance/# cursed items */
/* Constants describing limits of certain objects */
#define OBJ_LAMP_MAX 15000 /* Maximum amount that lamp can be filled */
#define OBJ_BOLT_RANGE 18 /* Maximum range of bolts and balls */
#define OBJ_RUNE_PROT 550 /* Rune of protection resistance */
/* Creature constants*/
#define MAX_CREATURES 549 /* Number of creatures defined for univ */
#define N_MONS_ATTS 285 /* Number of monster attack types. */
/* with MAX_MALLOC 101, it is possible to get compacting monsters messages
* while breeding/cloning monsters
#define MAX_MALLOC 600 /* Max that can be allocated */
#define MAX_MALLOC_CHANCE 160 /* 1/x chance of new monster each round */
#define MAX_MONS_LEVEL 99 /* Maximum level of creatures */
#define MAX_SIGHT 20 /* Maximum dis a creature can be seen */
#define MAX_SPELL_DIS 18 /* Maximum dis creat. spell can be cast */
#define MAX_MON_MULT 75 /* Maximum reproductions on a level */
#define MON_MULT_ADJ 8 /* High value slows multiplication */
#define MON_NASTY 50 /* 1/x chance of high level creat */
#define MIN_MALLOC_LEVEL 14 /* Minimum number of monsters/level */
#define MIN_MALLOC_TD 4 /* Number of people on town level (day) */
#define MIN_MALLOC_TN 8 /* Number of people on town level (night) */
#define WIN_MON_TOT 2 /* Total number of "win" creatures */
#define WIN_MON_APPEAR 100 /* Level where winning creatures begin */
#define MON_SUMMON_ADJ 2 /* Adjust level of summoned creatures */
#define MON_DRAIN_LIFE 2 /* Percent of player exp drained per hit */
#define MAX_MON_NATTACK 4 /* Max num attacks (used in mons memory) */
#define MIN_MONIX 2 /* Minimum index in m_list (1=py, 0=no mon) */
/* Trap constants */
#define MAX_TRAP 18 /* Number of defined traps */
/* Descriptive constants */
#define MAX_COLORS 57 /* Used with potions */
#define MAX_MUSH 21 /* Used with mushrooms */
#define MAX_WOODS 32 /* Used with staffs */
#define MAX_METALS 32 /* Used with wands & rods */
#define MAX_ROCKS 42 /* Used with rings */
#define MAX_AMULETS 16 /* Used with amulets */
#define MAX_TITLES 45 /* Used with scrolls */
#define MAX_SYLLABLES 158 /* Used with scrolls */
/* Player constants */
#define MAX_PLAYER_LEVEL 50 /* Maximum possible character level */
#define MAX_EXP 99999999L /* Maximum amount of experience -CJS- */
#define MAX_RACES 10 /* Number of defined races */
#define MAX_CLASS 6 /* Number of defined classes */
#define USE_DEVICE 3 /* x> Harder devices x< Easier devices */
#define MAX_BACKGROUND 128 /* Number of types of histories for univ */
#define PLAYER_FOOD_FULL 10000 /* Getting full */
#define PLAYER_FOOD_MAX 15000 /* Maximum food value, beyond is wasted */
#define PLAYER_FOOD_FAINT 300 /* Character begins fainting */
#define PLAYER_FOOD_WEAK 1000 /* Warn player that he is getting very low */
#define PLAYER_FOOD_ALERT 2000 /* Warn player that he is getting low */
#define PLAYER_REGEN_FAINT 33 /* Regen factor*2^16 when fainting */
#define PLAYER_REGEN_WEAK 98 /* Regen factor*2^16 when weak */
#define PLAYER_REGEN_NORMAL 197 /* Regen factor*2^16 when full */
#define PLAYER_REGEN_HPBASE 1442 /* Min amount hp regen*2^16 */
#define PLAYER_REGEN_MNBASE 524 /* Min amount mana regen*2^16 */
#define PLAYER_WEIGHT_CAP 130 /* "#"*(1/10 pounds) per strength point */
#define PLAYER_EXIT_PAUSE 1 /* Pause time before player can re-roll */
/* class level adjustment constants */
#define CLA_BTH 0
#define CLA_BTHB 1
#define CLA_DEVICE 2
#define CLA_DISARM 3
#define CLA_SAVE 4
/* this depends on the fact that CLA_SAVE values are all the same, if not,
* then should add a separate column for this
#define CLA_MISC_HIT 4
#define MAX_LEV_ADJ 5
/* Base to hit constants */
#define BTH_PLUS_ADJ 3 /* Adjust BTH per plus-to-hit */
/* magic numbers for players inventory array */
#define INVEN_WIELD 22 /* must be first item in equipment list */
#define INVEN_HEAD 23
#define INVEN_NECK 24
#define INVEN_BODY 25
#define INVEN_ARM 26
#define INVEN_HANDS 27
#define INVEN_RIGHT 28
#define INVEN_LEFT 29
#define INVEN_FEET 30
#define INVEN_OUTER 31
#define INVEN_LIGHT 32
#define INVEN_AUX 33
/* Attribute indexes -CJS- */
#define A_STR 0
#define A_INT 1
#define A_WIS 2
#define A_DEX 3
#define A_CON 4
#define A_CHR 5
/* some systems have a non-ANSI definition of this, so undef it first */
#undef CTRL
#define CTRL(c) ((c)&037)
#define DELETE 0x7f
#define ESCAPE '\033' /* ESCAPE character -CJS- */
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __STDC__
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#define NULL (char *)0
#endif /* __STDC__ */
#endif /* NULL */
/* Fval definitions: these describe the various types of dungeon floors and
* walls, if numbers above 15 are ever used, then the test against
* MIN_CAVE_WALL will have to be changed, also the save routines will have
* to be changed.
#define NULL_WALL 0
#define DARK_FLOOR 1
#define LIGHT_FLOOR 2
#define NT_DARK_FLOOR 3
#define NT_LIGHT_FLOOR 4
#define MAX_CAVE_ROOM 4
#define CORR_FLOOR 5
#define BLOCKED_FLOOR 6 /* a corridor space with cl/st/se door or rubble */
#define MAX_CAVE_FLOOR 6
#define MAX_OPEN_SPACE 5
#define TMP1_WALL 8
#define TMP2_WALL 9
#define MIN_CAVE_WALL 12
#define GRANITE_WALL 12
#define MAGMA_WALL 13
#define QUARTZ_WALL 14
#define BOUNDARY_WALL 15
/* Column for stats */
#define STAT_COLUMN 0
/* Class spell types */
#define NONE 0
#define MAGE 1
#define PRIEST 2
/* offsets to spell names in spell_names[] array */
#define SPELL_OFFSET 0
#define PRAYER_OFFSET 63
/* definitions for the psuedo-normal distribution generation */
#define NORMAL_TABLE_SD 64 /* the standard deviation for the table */
/* definitions for the player's status field */
#define PY_HUNGRY 0x00000001L
#define PY_WEAK 0x00000002L
#define PY_BLIND 0x00000004L
#define PY_CONFUSED 0x00000008L
#define PY_FEAR 0x00000010L
#define PY_POISONED 0x00000020L
#define PY_FAST 0x00000040L
#define PY_SLOW 0x00000080L
#define PY_SEARCH 0x00000100L
#define PY_REST 0x00000200L
#define PY_STUDY 0x00000400L
#define PY_INVULN 0x00001000L
#define PY_HERO 0x00002000L
#define PY_SHERO 0x00004000L
#define PY_BLESSED 0x00008000L
#define PY_DET_INV 0x00010000L
#define PY_TIM_INFRA 0x00020000L
#define PY_SPEED 0x00040000L
#define PY_STR_WGT 0x00080000L
#define PY_PARALYSED 0x00100000L
#define PY_REPEAT 0x00200000L
#define PY_ARMOR 0x00400000L
#define PY_STATS 0x3F000000L
#define PY_STR 0x01000000L /* these 6 stat flags must be adjacent */
#define PY_INT 0x02000000L
#define PY_WIS 0x04000000L
#define PY_DEX 0x08000000L
#define PY_CON 0x10000000L
#define PY_CHR 0x20000000L
#define PY_HP 0x40000000L
#define PY_MANA 0x80000000L
/* definitions for objects that can be worn */
#define TR_STATS 0x0000003FL /* the stats must be the low 6 bits */
#define TR_STR 0x00000001L
#define TR_INT 0x00000002L
#define TR_WIS 0x00000004L
#define TR_DEX 0x00000008L
#define TR_CON 0x00000010L
#define TR_CHR 0x00000020L
#define TR_SEARCH 0x00000040L
#define TR_SLOW_DIGEST 0x00000080L
#define TR_STEALTH 0x00000100L
#define TR_AGGRAVATE 0x00000200L
#define TR_TELEPORT 0x00000400L
#define TR_REGEN 0x00000800L
#define TR_SPEED 0x00001000L
#define TR_EGO_WEAPON 0x0007E000L
#define TR_SLAY_DRAGON 0x00002000L
#define TR_SLAY_ANIMAL 0x00004000L
#define TR_SLAY_EVIL 0x00008000L
#define TR_SLAY_UNDEAD 0x00010000L
#define TR_FROST_BRAND 0x00020000L
#define TR_FLAME_TONGUE 0x00040000L
#define TR_RES_FIRE 0x00080000L
#define TR_RES_ACID 0x00100000L
#define TR_RES_COLD 0x00200000L
#define TR_SUST_STAT 0x00400000L
#define TR_FREE_ACT 0x00800000L
#define TR_SEE_INVIS 0x01000000L
#define TR_RES_LIGHT 0x02000000L
#define TR_FFALL 0x04000000L
#define TR_SLAY_X_DRAGON 0x08000000L
#define TR_POISON 0x10000000L
#define TR_TUNNEL 0x20000000L
#define TR_INFRA 0x40000000L
#define TR_CURSED 0x80000000L
/* flags for flags2 */
#define TR_SLAY_DEMON 0x00000001L
#define TR_SLAY_TROLL 0x00000002L
#define TR_SLAY_GIANT 0x00000004L
#define TR_HOLD_LIFE 0x00000008L
#define TR_SLAY_ORC 0x00000010L
#define TR_TELEPATHY 0x00000020L
#define TR_IM_FIRE 0x00000040L
#define TR_IM_COLD 0x00000080L
#define TR_IM_ACID 0x00000100L
#define TR_IM_LIGHT 0x00000200L
#define TR_LIGHT 0x00000400L
#define TR_ACTIVATE 0x00000800L
#define TR_LIGHTNING 0x00001000L
#define TR_IMPACT 0x00002000L
#define TR_IM_POISON 0x00004000L
#define TR_RES_CONF 0x00008000L
#define TR_RES_SOUND 0x00010000L
#define TR_RES_LT 0x00020000L
#define TR_RES_DARK 0x00040000L
#define TR_RES_CHAOS 0x00080000L
#define TR_RES_DISENCHANT 0x00100000L
#define TR_RES_SHARDS 0x00200000L
#define TR_RES_NEXUS 0x00400000L
#define TR_RES_BLIND 0x00800000L
#define TR_RES_NETHER 0x01000000L
#define TR_ARTIFACT 0x02000000L /* means "is an artifact" -CFT */
#define TR_BLESS_BLADE 0x04000000L /* priests use w/o penalty -DGK*/
#define TR_ATTACK_SPD 0x08000000L /* extra attacks/round -DGK */
#define TR_RES_FEAR 0x10000000L
/* definitions for chests */
#define CH_LOCKED 0x00000001L
#define CH_TRAPPED 0x000001F0L
#define CH_LOSE_STR 0x00000010L
#define CH_POISON 0x00000020L
#define CH_PARALYSED 0x00000040L
#define CH_EXPLODE 0x00000080L
#define CH_SUMMON 0x00000100L
/* definitions for creatures, cmove field */
#define CM_ALL_MV_FLAGS 0x0000001FL
#define CM_ATTACK_ONLY 0x00000001L
#define CM_MOVE_NORMAL 0x00000002L
#define CM_RANDOM_MOVE 0x0000001CL
#define CM_20_RANDOM 0x00000004L
#define CM_40_RANDOM 0x00000008L
#define CM_75_RANDOM 0x00000010L
#define CM_SPECIAL 0x003F0000L
#define CM_INVISIBLE 0x00010000L
#define CM_OPEN_DOOR 0x00020000L
#define CM_PHASE 0x00040000L
#define CM_EATS_OTHER 0x00080000L
#define CM_PICKS_UP 0x00100000L
#define CM_MULTIPLY 0x00200000L
#define CM_CARRY_OBJ 0x01000000L
#define CM_CARRY_GOLD 0x02000000L
#define CM_TREASURE 0x7C000000L
#define CM_TR_SHIFT 26 /* used for recall of treasure */
#define CM_60_RANDOM 0x04000000L
#define CM_90_RANDOM 0x08000000L
#define CM_1D2_OBJ 0x10000000L
#define CM_2D2_OBJ 0x20000000L
#define CM_4D2_OBJ 0x40000000L
#define CM_WIN 0x80000000L
/* creature spell definitions */
#define CS_FREQ 0x0000000FL
#define CS_SPELLS 0xFF07FFF0L
#define CS_TEL_SHORT 0x00000010L
#define CS_TEL_LONG 0x00000020L
#define CS_TEL_TO 0x00000040L
#define CS_LGHT_WND 0x00000080L
#define CS_SER_WND 0x00000100L
#define CS_HOLD_PER 0x00000200L
#define CS_BLIND 0x00000400L
#define CS_CONFUSE 0x00000800L
#define CS_FEAR 0x00001000L
#define CS_SUMMON_MON 0x00002000L
#define CS_SUMMON_UND 0x00004000L
#define CS_SLOW_PER 0x00008000L
#define CS_DRAIN_MANA 0x00010000L
#define CS_INT1 0x0006FC30L /* was 0x80060020L -DGK */
#define CS_INT2 0x71027200L /* was 0x51023400L -DGK */
#define CS_INT3 0x0000F900L /* was 0x00000000L -DGK */
#define CS_BREATHE 0x00F80000L
#define CS_BREATHE2 0x8000003FL
#define CS_BREATHE3 0x0000007FL
#define CS_BR_LIGHT 0x00080000L
#define CS_BR_GAS 0x00100000L
#define CS_BR_ACID 0x00200000L
#define CS_BR_FROST 0x00400000L
#define CS_BR_FIRE 0x00800000L
/* creature defense flags */
#define CD_DRAGON 0x0001
#define CD_ANIMAL 0x0002
#define CD_EVIL 0x0004
#define CD_UNDEAD 0x0008
#define CD_WEAKNESS 0x03F0
#define CD_FROST 0x0010
#define CD_FIRE 0x0020
#define CD_POISON 0x0040
#define CD_ACID 0x0080
#define CD_LIGHT 0x0100
#define CD_STONE 0x0200
#define CD_NO_SLEEP 0x1000
#define CD_INFRA 0x2000
#define CD_MAX_HP 0x4000
#define CD_ORC 0x8000
/* inventory stacking subvals
* these never stack:
/* these items always stack with others of same subval, always treated as
* single objects, must be power of 2
#define ITEM_SINGLE_STACK_MAX 192 /* see NOTE below */
/* these items stack with others only if have same subval and same p1,
* they are treated as a group for wielding, etc.
#define ITEM_GROUP_MIN 192
#define ITEM_GROUP_MAX 255
/* NOTE: items with subval 192 are treated as single objects, but only stack
* with others of same subval if have the same p1 value, only used for
* torches
/* id's used for object description, stored in object_ident */
#define OD_TRIED 0x1
#define OD_KNOWN1 0x2
/* id's used for item description, stored in i_ptr->ident */
#define ID_MAGIK 0x1
#define ID_DAMD 0x2
#define ID_EMPTY 0x4
#define ID_KNOWN2 0x8
#define ID_STOREBOUGHT 0x10
#define ID_SHOW_HITDAM 0x20
#define ID_NOSHOW_P1 0x40 /* don't show (+x) even if p1 != 0 -CWS */
#define ID_NOSHOW_TYPE 0x80 /* don't show (+x of yyy), just (+x) -CWS */
/* indexes into the special name table */
#define SN_NULL 0
#define SN_R 1
#define SN_RA 2
#define SN_RF 3
#define SN_RC 4
#define SN_RL 5
#define SN_HA 6
#define SN_DF 7
#define SN_SA 8
#define SN_SD 9
#define SN_SE 10
#define SN_SU 11
#define SN_FT 12
#define SN_FB 13
#define SN_FREE_ACTION 14
#define SN_SLAYING 15
#define SN_CLUMSINESS 16
#define SN_WEAKNESS 17
#define SN_SLOW_DESCENT 18
#define SN_SPEED 19
#define SN_STEALTH 20
#define SN_SLOWNESS 21
#define SN_NOISE 22
#define SN_GREAT_MASS 23
#define SN_WISDOM 25
#define SN_MIGHT 27
#define SN_LORDLINESS 28
#define SN_MAGI 29
#define SN_BEAUTY 30
#define SN_SEEING 31
#define SN_STUPIDITY 33
#define SN_DULLNESS 34
#define SN_BLINDNESS 35
#define SN_TIMIDNESS 36
#define SN_UGLINESS 38
#define SN_PROTECTION 39
#define SN_IRRITATION 40
#define SN_ENVELOPING 42
#define SN_FIRE 43
#define SN_SLAY_EVIL 44
#define SN_EMPTY 46
#define SN_LOCKED 47
#define SN_GAS_TRAP 49
#define SN_DISARMED 53
#define SN_UNLOCKED 54
#define SN_SLAY_ANIMAL 55
#define SN_GROND 56
#define SN_RINGIL 57
#define SN_AEGLOS 58
#define SN_ARUNRUTH 59
#define SN_MORMEGIL 60
#define SN_MORGUL 61
#define SN_ANGRIST 62
#define SN_GURTHANG 63
#define SN_CALRIS 64
#define SN_ACCURACY 65
#define SN_ANDURIL 66
#define SN_SO 67
#define SN_POWER 68
#define SN_DURIN 69
#define SN_AULE 70
#define SN_WEST 71
#define SN_BLESS_BLADE 72
#define SN_SDEM 73
#define SN_ST 74
#define SN_BLOODSPIKE 75
#define SN_WOUNDING 77
#define SN_ORCRIST 78
#define SN_GLAMDRING 79
#define SN_STING 80
#define SN_LIGHT 81
#define SN_AGILITY 82
#define SN_BACKBITING 83
#define SN_DOOMCALLER 84
#define SN_SG 85
#define SN_TELEPATHY 86
#define SN_DRAGONKIND 87
#define SN_NENYA 88
#define SN_NARYA 89
#define SN_VILYA 90
#define SN_AMAN 91
#define SN_BELEGENNON 92
#define SN_FEANOR 93
#define SN_ANARION 94
#define SN_ISILDUR 95
#define SN_FINGOLFIN 96
#define SN_ELVENKIND 97
#define SN_SOULKEEPER 98
#define SN_DOR_LOMIN 99
#define SN_MORGOTH 100
#define SN_BELEG 101
#define SN_DAL 102
#define SN_PAURHACH 103
#define SN_PAURNIMMEN 104
#define SN_PAURAEGEN 105
#define SN_CAMMITHRIM 106
#define SN_CAMBELEG 107
#define SN_HOLHENNETH 108
#define SN_PAURNEN 109
#define SN_AEGLIN 110
#define SN_CAMLOST 111
#define SN_NIMLOTH 112
#define SN_NAR 113
#define SN_BERUTHIEL 114
#define SN_GORLIM 115
#define SN_NARTHANC 116
#define SN_NIMTHANC 117
#define SN_DETHANC 118
#define SN_GILETTAR 119
#define SN_RILIA 120
#define SN_BELANGIL 121
#define SN_BALLI 122
#define SN_LOTHARANG 123
#define SN_FIRESTAR 124
#define SN_ERIRIL 125
#define SN_CUBRAGOL 126
#define SN_BARD 127
#define SN_COLLUIN 128
#define SN_HOLCOLLETH 129
#define SN_TOTILA 130
#define SN_PAIN 131
#define SN_ELVAGIL 132
#define SN_AGLARANG 133
#define SN_ROHAN 134
#define SN_EORLINGAS 135
#define SN_BARUKKHELED 136
#define SN_WRATH 137
#define SN_HARADEKKET 138
#define SN_MUNDWINE 139
#define SN_GONDRICAM 140
#define SN_ZARCUTHRA 141
#define SN_CARETH 142
#define SN_FORASGIL 143
#define SN_CRISDURIAN 144
#define SN_COLANNON 145
#define SN_HITHLOMIR 146
#define SN_THALKETTOTH 147
#define SN_ARVEDUI 148
#define SN_THRANDUIL 149
#define SN_THENGEL 150
#define SN_HAMMERHAND 151
#define SN_CELEGORM 152
#define SN_THROR 153
#define SN_MAEDHROS 154
#define SN_OLORIN 155
#define SN_ANGUIREL 156
#define SN_THORIN 157
#define SN_CELEBORN 158
#define SN_OROME 159
#define SN_EONWE 160
#define SN_GONDOR 161
#define SN_THEODEN 162
#define SN_THINGOL 163
#define SN_THORONGIL 164
#define SN_LUTHIEN 165
#define SN_TUOR 166
#define SN_ULMO 167
#define SN_OSONDIR 168
#define SN_TURMIL 169
#define SN_CASPANION 170
#define SN_TIL 171
#define SN_AVAVIR 173
#define SN_TARATOL 174
#define SN_RAZORBACK 175
#define SN_BLADETURNER 176
#define SN_SHATTERED 177
#define SN_BLASTED 178
#define SN_ATTACKS 179
#define SN_ARRAY_SIZE 180 /* must be at end of this list */
/* defines for treasure type values (tval) */
#define TV_NEVER -1 /* used by find_range() for non-search */
#define TV_NOTHING 0
#define TV_MISC 1
#define TV_CHEST 2
#define TV_SPIKE 3
/* min tval for wearable items, all items between TV_MIN_WEAR and TV_MAX_WEAR
* use the same flag bits, see the TR_* defines
#define TV_MIN_WEAR 10
/* items tested for enchantments, i.e. the MAGIK inscription, see the
* enchanted() procedure
#define TV_MIN_ENCHANT 10
#define TV_SLING_AMMO 10
#define TV_BOLT 11
#define TV_ARROW 12
#define TV_LIGHT 15
#define TV_BOW 20
#define TV_HAFTED 21
#define TV_POLEARM 22
#define TV_SWORD 23
#define TV_DIGGING 25
#define TV_BOOTS 30
#define TV_GLOVES 31
#define TV_CLOAK 32
#define TV_HELM 33
#define TV_SHIELD 34
#define TV_HARD_ARMOR 35
#define TV_SOFT_ARMOR 36
/* max tval that uses the TR_* flags */
#define TV_MAX_ENCHANT 39
#define TV_AMULET 40
#define TV_RING 45
/* max tval for wearable items */
#define TV_MAX_WEAR 50
#define TV_STAFF 55
#define TV_WAND 65
#define TV_ROD 66
#define TV_SCROLL1 70
#define TV_SCROLL2 71
#define TV_POTION1 75
#define TV_POTION2 76
#define TV_FLASK 77
#define TV_FOOD 80
#define TV_MAGIC_BOOK 90
#define TV_PRAYER_BOOK 91
/* objects with tval above this are never picked up by monsters */
#define TV_MAX_OBJECT 99
#define TV_GOLD 100
/* objects with higher tvals can not be picked up */
#define TV_MAX_PICK_UP 100
#define TV_INVIS_TRAP 101
/* objects between TV_MIN_VISIBLE and TV_MAX_VISIBLE are always visible,
i.e. the cave fm flag is set when they are present */
#define TV_MIN_VISIBLE 102
#define TV_VIS_TRAP 102
#define TV_RUBBLE 103
/* following objects are never deleted when trying to create another one
during level generation */
#define TV_MIN_DOORS 104
#define TV_OPEN_DOOR 104
#define TV_CLOSED_DOOR 105
#define TV_UP_STAIR 107
#define TV_DOWN_STAIR 108
#define TV_SECRET_DOOR 109
#define TV_STORE_DOOR 110
#define TV_MAX_VISIBLE 110
/* spell types used by get_flags(), breathe(), fire_bolt() and fire_ball() */
#define GF_LIGHTNING 1
#define GF_POISON_GAS 2
#define GF_ACID 3
#define GF_FROST 4
#define GF_FIRE 5
#define GF_HOLY_ORB 6
#define GF_ARROW 7
#define GF_PLASMA 8
#define GF_NETHER 9
#define GF_WATER 10
#define GF_CHAOS 11
#define GF_SHARDS 12
#define GF_SOUND 13
#define GF_CONFUSION 14
#define GF_DISENCHANT 15
#define GF_NEXUS 16
#define GF_FORCE 17
#define GF_INERTIA 18
#define GF_LIGHT 19
#define GF_DARK 20
#define GF_TIME 21
#define GF_GRAVITY 22
#define GF_MANA 23
#define GF_METEOR 24
#define GF_ICE 25
#define WD_LT 1L
#define WD_LT_BLTS 2L
#define WD_FT_BLTS 3L
#define WD_FR_BLTS 4L
#define WD_ST_MUD 5L
#define WD_POLY 6L
#define WD_HEAL_MN 7L
#define WD_HAST_MN 8L
#define WD_SLOW_MN 9L
#define WD_CONF_MN 10L
#define WD_SLEE_MN 11L
#define WD_DRAIN 12L
#define WD_TR_DEST 13L
#define WD_MAG_MIS 14L
#define WD_FEAR_MN 15L
#define WD_CLONE 16L
#define WD_TELE 17L
#define WD_DISARM 18L
#define WD_LT_BALL 19L
#define WD_CD_BALL 20L
#define WD_FR_BALL 21L
#define WD_ST_CLD 22L
#define WD_AC_BALL 23L
#define WD_WONDER 24L
#define WD_DRG_FIRE 25L
#define WD_DRG_FRST 26L
#define WD_DRG_BREA 27L
#define WD_AC_BLTS 28L
#define WD_ANHIL 29L
#define RD_LT 1L
#define RD_LT_BLTS 2L
#define RD_FT_BLTS 3L
#define RD_FR_BLTS 4L
#define RD_ST_MUD 5L
#define RD_POLY 6L
#define RD_SLOW_MN 7L
#define RD_CONF_MN 8L
#define RD_SLEE_MN 9L
#define RD_DRAIN 10L
#define RD_TR_DEST 11L
#define RD_MAG_MIS 12L
#define RD_TELE 13L
#define RD_DISARM 14L
#define RD_LT_BALL 15L
#define RD_CD_BALL 16L
#define RD_FR_BALL 17L
#define RD_ST_CLD 18L
#define RD_AC_BALL 19L
#define RD_AC_BLTS 20L
#define RD_ANHIL 21L
#define RD_MAPPING 22L
#define RD_IDENT 23L
#define RD_CURE 24L
#define RD_HEAL 25L
#define RD_DETECT 26L
#define RD_RESTORE 27L
#define RD_SPEED 28L
#define RD_ILLUME 29L
#define RD_PROBE 30L
#define RD_RECALL 31L
#define RD_TRAP_LOC 32L
#define RD_MK_WALL 33L
#define ST_LIGHT 1L
#define ST_DR_LC 2L
#define ST_TRP_LC 3L
#define ST_TRE_LC 4L
#define ST_OBJ_LC 5L
#define ST_TELE 6L
#define ST_EARTH 7L
#define ST_SUMMON 8L
#define ST_DEST 9L
#define ST_STAR 10L
#define ST_HAST_MN 11L
#define ST_SLOW_MN 12L
#define ST_SLEE_MN 13L
#define ST_CURE_LT 14L
#define ST_DET_INV 15L
#define ST_SPEED 16L
#define ST_SLOW 17L
#define ST_REMOVE 18L
#define ST_DET_EVI 19L
#define ST_CURING 20L
#define ST_DSP_EVI 21L
#define ST_DARK 22L
#define ST_GENOCIDE 23L
#define ST_POWER 24L
#define ST_MAGI 25L
#define ST_HOLYNESS 26L
#define ST_IDENTIFY 27L
#define ST_SURROUND 28L
#define ST_HEALING 29L
#define ST_PROBE 30L
/* bit flags used in my revamped enchant() code -CFT */
#define ENCH_TOHIT 1
#define ENCH_TODAM 2
#define ENCH_TOAC 4